If we’ve had issues with quality writing before, it’s certainly increased in the age of artificial intelligence (or AI). Despite every writer’s deepest anxieties, it’s safe to say that AI won’t replace writers and other content creators anytime soon. It’s simply not advanced enough, and Google is gradually improving its technology to determine if a piece of content is AI-generated or not. If it is, that website will rank far lower. You don’t want to be in that situation, your entire reputation is staked on it, and the quality is often low and generic.

But what can you do? Everyone is doing it. Right?

You take back your power as a creative. We’ll strike to the heart of the matter and tell you how you can write creative content like a human and not a robot. Before we do that, let’s dive into the reason why for learning how to write creatively on your own.


Benefits of Human-Created Content


Humans Are More Imaginative

If you’re looking to implement greater creativity, humans still come out on top. AI can do many things, but it can’t mimic the human touch. It tends to repeat the same thing in various ways, making the writing duller than it should be. 

Additionally, it might have a hard time with metaphors and similes, because it doesn’t fully understand the nuances of human language yet. However, humans can do both of these things. If you learn how to leverage your creativity using the tips in this article, you will too.  At Fusion Tech Media, we can also work with concepts in nuanced ways, and solve complex problems with novel solutions. 


Humans Don’t Hallucinate Facts

AI hallucinates and gives fake facts. It can do so seamlessly, creating a problem uncovering the truth for researchers and writers alike, since it’s not always readily apparent whether a fact is true unless you have some experience. We know humans can do the same, but given our tendency to fact-check, people do it far less often. AI has to be taught the right answer, which could take time, and since it hasn’t learned the facts yet, it tends to be wrong. Remember, AI is only as good as we teach it. 


Humans Are More Flexible

AI tends to sound generic and stilted. This is one of the reasons AI detectors find it so easy to detect the “tonality” of AI as it sounds the same! This can also make it seem far less engaging and creative over time.  On the other hand, people can have a variety of different tones in their writing. We tend to be more adept at switching tones on a dime and creating suspense in our writing. AI has a long way to go before it can write with such nuance. 

Now that you know the benefits of human-generated content, how can you make your content pop in a digital landscape that’s saturated in AI content? Read below for more. 


What You Can Do To Make Your Content Pop


For Unique Blog Topics, Choose Interesting Angles

It’s important to find interesting angles in the topics you write about to grab your audience’s attention. AI is slowly creeping forward with the quality of titles it generates, but since it has trouble with creativity and the ability to weigh multiple options, it often falls behind human-generated content.

If you can, take an obvious topic and use a unique angle for it. For instance, we know that social media is necessary for marketing, but what if we argue that the power of referrals is more important than a solid social media presence? The second topic is a bit counterintuitive, which makes it interesting to prospective readers. 

Free write unorthodox angles for your writing. Check out case studies or the life stories of various individuals who prove themselves to be an exception to the rule, and you’ll be able to create content that sets you apart. 


Use AI As a Tool–Don’t Fight It

AI is here. That much is certain. It’s only going to advance with time, so rather than looking at it as an enemy, use it as a friend. You can use AI to generate an outline for your writing or have it generate a title that you’ll tweak later. You can often leverage AI to make your writing process more efficient. You can use it to finish a sentence, list some ideas, and solve problems for you.


Follow Google’s Guidelines

Do you want your article or content to rank high on Google? Luckily, they have guidelines that show you how to do just that. The acronym Google uses is called E-E-A-T. The acronym E-E-A-T means Expertise, Experience, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness. This should be your yardstick for writing content.

Authoritative content generally has back-links to reputable sources. This could be case studies, white papers, or scholarly/government sources. They certainly aren’t things like Wikipedia and blogs. Expertise indicates that you have the experience that shines through in the context of your content. You need to adequately address the user’s intention upon searching on a platform or domain that’s trustworthy. If you do these things, you’ll be able to create content that’s creative and ranks well on Google.


As you can see, AI is here to stay, but you can still make compelling content while befriending this new technology. Use the tips enumerated, and you’ll be lightyears ahead of AI. If interested, check out our services at Fusion Tech Media, where we make marketing easy!